WP1: Robust Learning in Elementary Mathematics
The first aim of this work package is to provide cognitive models of the learning process in the specific areas of the domain of elementary mathematics that are targeted by the project’s pedagogical application scenarios. The second objective of the work package is to provide pedagogical models that represent knowledge about the levels and types of guidance that should be provided in a given learning situation. Both areas of pedagogical background knowledge will be utilised in the iTalk2Learn project to develop actionable intervention models for the tutoring platform. In particular, they will be used to:
- Determine mechanisms for describing problems in elementary maths and the relevant skills that are involved. This can then be used by methods in Work Package 2 to select adequate problems for specific learners, to assess learners’ skill profiles, and to select appropriate intervention strategies by understanding the reasons for erroneous student behaviour.
- Identify problem solving strategies, common types of errors and misconceptions in elementary mathematics that can then be used by methods in Work Package 2 to assess progress during problem solving and to select adequate interventions should learners get stuck.
- Derive intervention models in elementary mathematics that describe types of pedagogical interventions and their possible effects on the learning progress, which are then used by methods in Work Package 2 as possible outcomes of intervention selection.
- Describe pedagogical interventions, based upon a theoretical framework that unifies structured and exploratory learning approaches with the goal to provide a level of guidance that meets the learners’ needs.
All of these models and methods will begin with a literature review of the state-of-the-art and then be expanded and complemented via a consultation process with experienced Primary School teachers.

First WoZ study in January 2014.
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