RUB conference paper submitted

iTalk2Learn partner RUB submitted a conference paper on iTalk2Learn related work for presentation at the ICLS 2014 conference (authors: Claudia Mazziotti, Katharina Loibl & Nikol Rummel). The ICLS (International Conference of the Learning Sciences) is a major international conference in the area of education with a strict peer review procedure.

The iTalk2Learn project is one year old!

The first year of the iTalk2Learn project is complete! We’ve made a great start on each of the main areas of the project, with a lot of in-depth research. We’ve even developed a pilot version of the iTalk2Learn platform, but there’s much more to come. Soon we’ll start creating more and more updates to this…

Winner of Best Paper Award, EDM 2013

Analysis from experimental data with Fractions Tutor (one of the systems used in the iTalk2learn project) collected in the context of Martina Rau’s PhD work wins Best Paper award in the International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2013). The paper entitled “Does Representational Understanding Enhance Fluency – Or Vice Versa? Searching for Mediation Models”…